Tag: did you now

Did you know … you can chat with yourself in Teams?

I’ll admit it — I send myself emails. And text messages. And, back before smart phones, I sent myself voice messages too. That was one item where Teams was as step backwards — I had to make my own Teams space (with just me as a member!) in order to send myself notes here. But not anymore …
You can finally chat with yourself! Note that retention policies may be shorter in chats than Teams spaces … so you might still want to go the route of creating your own Teams space to ensure that note you send yourself for an end-of-the-year task or a list of accomplishments for your annual review are still around when you need them. But for quick notes so you remember something tomorrow (or next week, or three weeks from now), chatting with yourself is perfect for holding short-term reminders.


Did you know … Microsoft Teams Chat can help you find messages others post into Teams spaces?

I am a member of multiple Teams, and I can remember that Keith posted something about creating a Q&A a few days ago … but I don’t remember where he posted that message. I cannot reply to it until I find it. Search can help — chat conversations are searchable. But did he type QnA, Q&A, Q and A … 

Instead of clicking through all of the channels in all of my Teams spaces trying to find a single post or working my way through the various ways of phrasing “questions and answers”, I can look at my chat with Keith. Click the “Activity” tab. Now I am looking at things Keith has posted to our shared Teams spaces in the past two weeks.

The Team and channel into which the activity was posted is included before each message. An icon indicates if the activity is a reply to an existing thread or a message starting a new thread.

You can click on any entry in the activity log.

Your Teams client will show you the message in its context – you are in the correct Team and Channel, and the message is briefly highlighted. This makes replying to the message we found in the activity feed quite quick.

What if you’ve never chatted with the person? Start a new chat and type in their name. You don’t have to send a message to them (although I could totally see myself writing “ignore this message – I just needed to get you listed in my recent conversations”), just click away and there will be a draft chat with them. Click on that draft chat, and you’ll have an “Activity” tab.

Do you know … Teams Activity View?

The very first icon on the left-hand navigation menu, “Activity”, isn’t just a listing of all unread Teams activity. This view provides a customized view of important Teams communications, allowing you to focus on the most important communication first. 

This isn’t a list of every thing that has been posted to every one of your Teams spaces. It doesn’t even include chat messages sent to you –new chat messages will show up as a red circle with a message count on the“Chat” view icon.

So what shows up in the Activity feed? Missed calls – missed calls are only displayed in your Activity feed. Clicking on the entry will display a chat with the caller; you can reply with a chat message or click the phone icon to return their call.

Posts with @mentions – both your individual mentions and mentions for Teams of which you are a member – will appear in the Activity feed.

Beyond that, you control what appears in your feed. Posts to channels you follow will appear in your feed. To follow a channel, click the“Teams” icon. Click the not-quite-a hamburger menu next to the channel name and select “Follow channel”.

When messages are posted to the channel, you’ll see a red circle with the number 1. This indicates that there is one thread with unread post(s). There may be a bunch of replies in that thread, but the thread is only counted once. This doesn’t mean replies won’t be highlighted – if someone replies to a thread you’ve already read, that thread will again be counted as a thread with unread post(s).

You can click on an entry to display the specific thread. Clicking on a reply will focus on the reply – which helps identify what part of the thread you haven’t seen.

If a channel becomes prolific and irrelevant to you, you can simply stop following the channel. Click the not-quite-a hamburger menu next to the channel name and select “Unfollow this channel”. Anything from the channel in your feed will remain there, but new activity in the channel will cease appearing in your Activity feed.

In addition to a feed of activity from other individuals, you can use the activity feed like the “Sent Items” in your mailbox. Click the inverted caret next to “Feed” and select “My Activity”. You’ll see two weeks of your Teams posts.